Celebrating Norman Kerr and a Drive for Future Change

Norman (Norrie) Kerr made a lasting impact with his 24 years at Energy Action Scotland, dedicating his career to campaigning for solutions to fuel poverty. As an energy efficiency contractor, A.C. Whyte had the privilege of working alongside this force of nature for over a decade.

As Norrie relaxes and enters retirement to spend time with his family, we have our suspicions that a lifetime of campaigning will mean he will always have his part to play. Norrie retired during a world health crisis where the fuel poor and most vulnerable in our communities, have been hit the hardest. His drive to make a difference was apparent in his parting statement in the EAS Summer 2020 Energy Review where he said:

Isn’t a warm, dry affordable to run home a basic human right and a common aim for any decent and just society?

Norrie has always been one of A.C. Whyte’s biggest advocates and we are looking forward to continuing to work with Frazer Scott, the newly appointed CEO of Energy Action Scotland and his team.  Frazer shares Norrie’s passion as he outlined the organisations vision, saying:  

In 20 years’ time, if we come together, work with creativity and resolve, people will be living in homes with a small footprint in terms of energy use, the quality of their lives will be substantially improved but we need to begin now. The ambition is there, the need is there and I believe that there is an opportunity like no other to mobilise action at scale, with drive and purpose.

A.C. Whyte have worked hard to remobilise our sites safely and effectively in line with government guidance.  We continue to deliver energy efficiency projects that provide real tangible benefits in reducing resident’s energy usage and fuel bills, in some of the country’s most vulnerable areas. We have a directly employed, fully trained workforce of over 160 ensuring we deliver works to the highest quality. We are back stronger than ever with Norrie’s parting words ringing in our ears and we are ready to work closely with Energy Action Scotland in the coming months to help support their ambitious but achievable vision.