A.C. Whyte welcome Cllr Susan Aitken and Stuart Patrick to Corkerhill Site

Today, Councillor Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council, along with Stuart Patrick, Chief Executive of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, visited our site in Corkerhill, Glasgow. This visit was conducted in recognition of our ongoing efforts to carry out external wall insulation and associated works on 50 private homeowner properties as part of the HEEPS:ABS scheme, an area-based initiative in collaboration with Glasgow City Council.

During the visit, we had the opportunity to showcase our site and provide a comprehensive overview of the ongoing works and key deliverables. We were particularly proud to highlight our award-winning A.C. Whyte Skills Academy, where three of our talented Akademos members shared their invaluable experiences with Councillor Aitken. The discussion delved into the net-zero ambition and the measures implemented by the City of Glasgow region to scale up such initiatives.

With a history of pioneering performance, spanning almost five decades, A.C. Whyte has been at the forefront of delivering major refurbishment works. This November, we will proudly celebrate our 50th anniversary—a testament to our commitment and expertise in the industry. Recognised as problem solvers and solution providers, we strive to offer place-based solutions and drive community wealth-building initiatives within the communities we serve. Councillor Susan Aitken commented:

It’s always great to see first-hand the work businesses like A.C. Whyte do, not simply to make Glasgow’s homes more energy efficient but in their willingness to work in partnership with the City Council, and, crucially, how proactive they are in delivering the skills our economy needs now and on the road ahead.

There is a growing need to make tens of thousands of homes across our city more energy efficient, both to address the demands of the climate emergency but also the fuel poverty too many citizens still live with. Schemes like HEEPS:ABS are a crucial step in that direction.

Cllr Aitken added:

But in the coming years that will have to be stepped up on a massive scale and we’ll need the experience and expertise to deliver that. It’s crucial that the emerging workforce is geared up to do that, and its reassuring to see firms like A.C. Whyte provide their own Skills Academy to help us deliver on our shared goals.

As our society shifts with that increasing focus on both environmental and economic sustainability, there will be major challenges ahead but also huge opportunities. It’s vital that our businesses are ready to grasp those opportunities and deliver a healthier, greener and more prosperous Glasgow.

By fostering partnerships with local authorities, such as Glasgow City Council, we remain dedicated to advancing sustainable practices, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing the quality of life for residents. We firmly believe that through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, we can continue to make a positive impact in the built environment.