A.C. Whyte get on board with #sendplasticpacking campaign

As part of Plastic Free July, Circular Glasgow, an initiative of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, has partnered with a new youth-led movement “Glasgow Over Plastic”. A.C. Whyte have decided to get on board with this campaign to reduce single-use plastic within our working environment. As a company, we work closely with our supply chain to not only improve sustainable procurement but consider the general environmental impact of our actions and the people we come into contact with. This campaign closely aligns with our Environmental Policy and is something we strongly believe in as a business.

We have made a conscious effort to reduce the reliance of single-use plastic and have taken the necessary steps to make this happen.

Step 1: We have given our employees reusable water bottles and eliminated plastic cups and bottles.

Step 2: We have invested in more tupperware, to stop the use of cling film.

Step 3: We have invested in a cupboard full of glasses.

Get on board to #sendplasticpacking