A.C. Whyte & Co. Ltd win contract with ACHA

Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) award A.C. Whyte the contract to install energy efficiency measures to 29 properties on the island of Mull.

achaThe works will see properties in the area benefit from a combination of external wall insulation, re-roofing, cavity wall insulation and re-rendering.

The properties involved are located in Bunessan, Craignure, Aros, Tobermory and Dervaig.
Residents across the area have welcomed the news that they will soon be living in warmer, rejuvenated homes.

“I am delighted that we are able to get this contract on site and look forward to visiting our tenants once the works are completed, to view the buildings for myself.  Our roof and roughcast programme, over the last four years, has provided tangible benefits to our tenants’ homes but has also markedly reduced fuel costs.


A.C. Whyte & Co. Ltd are pleased to be working with ACHA, having delivered successful projects with them in the past.

Read about our project in Islay