Paisley Housing Association get an early Christmas Present from A.C. Whyte

A.C. Whyte have been delivering a programme of works on behalf of Paisley Housing Association, the project will see 144 properties upgraded with new roofs and the installation of external wall insulation.  The project began in July and is well underway, meaning many homes will be warmer this Christmas and residents will be saving money on their energy bills at this expensive time of the year.  A.C. Whyte put our clients and the residents at the heart of everything we do and it’s not always just about improving residents homes, we try to help in other ways.  Our Construction Director Steven McNellis presented Paisley Housing Association’s Elaine Thomson with a cheque today to help support the local kids Christmas Party and provide food vouchers for families in need.

Elaine said: “Paisley Housing Association is very grateful for A.C. Whyte’s generous £500 donation.  We plan to use it to make a magician appear at our kids Christmas party and the rest will go towards helping out vulnerable tenants with food this Christmas.”

It even started to snow as we handed over the cheque, thanks for braving the cold Elaine and Steven.