Abronhill residents delighted with HEEPS and ECO funded EWI

Over 185 families in Almond Road, Abronhill have benefited from a HEEPS and ECO funded programme of External Wall Insulation works.

Abronhill Flats
Abronhill Flats
 Abronhill Terraced Propoerties
Abronhill Terraced Propoerties

The project, comprising 86 terraced properties and 9 blocks of flats, is in the Almond Road area of Abronhill, Cumbernuald. Projects of this kind are being generated with a view to improving energy efficiency, reducing fuel bills and ultimately working towards eradicating fuel poverty in Scotland.

The properties in the area are solid wall construction with the majority privately owned, so A.C. Whyte got to work quickly on communicating the benefits of external wall insulation to the community. Residents were invited along to a local open day, where they were introduced to the A.C. Whyte team, provided with an opportunity to ask question as well as get a glimpse of what their property would look like once work was complete.  Positive feedback from the residents was overwhelming and was reflected in the number of signed consent forms on the day.

Signing up residents in the flats presented A.C .Whyte with a particular challenge, as all residents in each block are required to be on board before work can go ahead.  A sound communication strategy, an enthusiastic team and invaluable support from the local community secured a 98% sign up of the terraced properties and an impressive 100% of the flats.

To ensure all properties would benefit from the external wall insulation, A.C.Whyte worked closely with Abronhill Housing Association to bring their properties on board.

The project which was complete in September, kicked off in early March with the terraced properties, and followed quickly with the flats.  Residents of the area were impressed by the work and told us they are excited at the prospect of their heating bills coming down and their homes being warmer and free from condensation.

Read about our other ECO/HEEPS project in Birkenshaw