A.C. Whyte are shortlisted for Glasgow Business Awards 2016

We are delighted to announce that A.C Whyte & Co. Ltd have been shortlisted in the Family Business of the Year category for the 2016 Glasgow Business Awards.

GCoC Awards Banner Titles 2016.inddThe category celebrates and recognises the achievements of established family owned businesses that have successfully blended strong business acumen and family engagement to create a culture and environment that encourages growth.

We have been successful in this category three years in a row, and to now be nominated for a fourth time is huge recognition of our long standing heritage.  We are a third generation family business and Jennifer took over this year from her dad Bob as Managing Director.  This is an exciting time for the business, Jennifer is keen to build on the many years of success whilst taking the business forward into the next phase of growth and evolution.

The team are looking forward to the event, which is one of the biggest and most prestigious events on the business calendar, hosted at the Glasgow Hilton Hotel, it’s set to be a great night.

Winners will be announced on Thursday the 6th of October.