A.C. Whyte & Co. Ltd successfully upgraded homes in Whitecross, Falkirk

A recent A.C.Whyte & Co. Ltd project saw more than 86 families in the small village of Whitecross, Falkirk benefit from a £1.3m project to upgrade their homes making them warmer, more energy efficient and looking like new.

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A.C. Whyte successfully tendered for the upgrading works, which formed part of Falkirk Council’s capital works programme.  The project included external wall insulation and associated works plus re-roofing, ECO funding was secured to contribute to the energy efficiency improvements.

The project comprised a mix of property types including traditional construction, hard to treat Cruden Rural and Atholl Steel.  Cruden Rural properties were built in the 1940’s and 50’s to meet the post Second World War demand for temporary structures, they offer little or no insulation, meaning residents struggle with cold, damp homes and high energy bills.

A.C. Whyte embarked on installing a variety of systems specific to the property types. The traditional properties had external wall insulation (EWI) installed.  The Cruden Rural and Athol steel required a unique structural external wall insulation system (SEWI), a cost effective method of extending the life of these non-traditional properties, whilst providing the much needed insulation properties.

Work began in early March, with the 86 properties insulated and re-roofed in only eight months.  The area which was in urgent need of rejuvenation has now been completely transformed into an impressive, thermally efficient, comfortable place to live, which is reflected in reduced fuel bills for the residents.  They are pleased with the dramatic results as is the local community who have welcomed the improved aesthetics of the area.