
A.C. Whyte are currently transforming the community of Castleview in Dundonald, by working in partnership with South Ayrshire Council and the Energy Agency to install External Wall Insulation to 168 homes. A.C. Whyte embraced the opportunity to roll out our Schools Programme and recently delivered a presentation to primary 5, 6 & 7 pupils of Dundonald Primary School.

A.C. Whyte’s Client Relationship Manager, Derek Lyon, and Marketing Executive, Jenna Wilson explained the works we are delivering in the area and were delighted to discover that many of the kids homes were benefiting from the works.  Jenna Wilson, Marketing Executive at A.C. Whyte said:

Dundonald Primary School is at the heart of the community in Castleview. Having the opportunity to visit the future generation meant, not only were we able to explain the types of works we do at A.C. Whyte, we were also able to provide insight into possible career opportunities they all could aspire to. The kids were excited and completely engaged, which is always very rewarding to see.

Jenna also mentioned:

If we can encourage even one child’s to persue a career in construction and show it’s an innovative industry to work in, then we believe we’ve truly achieved something.

The session was designed to be interactive, but most importantly it helped the children to further understand the importance of health and safety on construction sites, the works we deliver and how to effectively work together as a team. As part of our sessions, we asked the children to demonstrate as creatively as they wished, the top learnings they took from our visit.

Our visit inspired the children who will now go on to be mini ambassadors, telling their families about the many benefits external wall insulation will bring to their homes and their community

Our schools programme is being rolled out across the country, we are looking forward to encouraging more future stars into the energy efficiency and construction industry.